
Auto Review Publication


Something Missing?

Auto Review started in early 1996 producing compact, concise, affordable monographs on subjects related to transport, collecting and popular culture.

The first six titles included 32 A5 size pages, all in mono (black and white) plus stiff card outer covers in colour, and they were priced at only £2.95 each. Over the next two years the range grew, and the price increased to £3.95 each. The authors of the early books were in a network of friends and co-contributors to Model Auto Review magazine.

Note that 3 numbers are missing from the early sequence of Auto Review titles as after publication of Auto Review 17: Vehicles of the RAC, publication of three titles which were planned for release (on motor coaches, Ford Thunderbirds and taxicabs) were suspended and their numbers were not reused.

In the 2000s the format was redesigned, introducing eight pages of full colour into the 32 A5 pages, now at a cover price of £5.95 starting from number 31. 

Subject ID: 28557


Auto Review started in early 1996 producing compact, concise, affordable monographs on subjects related to transport, collecting and popular culture.

The first six titles included 32 A5 size pages, all in mono (black and white) plus stiff card outer covers in colour, and they were priced at only £2.95 each. Over the next two years the range grew, and the price increased to £3.95 each. The authors of the early books were in a network of friends and co-contributors to Model Auto Review magazine.

Note that 3 numbers are missing from the early sequence of Auto Review titles as after publication of Auto Review 17: Vehicles of the RAC, publication of three titles which were planned for release (on motor coaches, Ford Thunderbirds and taxicabs) were suspended and their numbers were not reused.

In the 2000s the format was redesigned, introducing eight pages of full colour into the 32 A5 pages, now at a cover price of £5.95 starting from number 31. 

Subject ID: 28557


Subject ID: 28557