Pins & Badges

Geep Pin

At last there’s a limited edition soft-enamel pin to celebrate everyone’s favorite little GEEPEEKAY mascot! I really wanted to make this first pin special, so even though he’s only 1.5” tall, he comes featuring a whopping 10 different colors! The detail is fantastic, and he will look great in any collection.

And as a special treat, this collectible pin comes packaged with FOUR different backer cards…I couldn’t make my mind up, so now you can choose which color you want to use on your pin display. Only 100 were made...don't let this one get away!

Each 1.5" soft-enamel pin comes packaged with four different backer cards and a black rubber clutch. Buying little goodies like this is the best way to support this site and keep it running (plus you get some fun stuff in the process!) Thank you so much for supporting GEEPEEKAY!

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3.13 of 5 (1 Ratings)

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