A sequel to Stephen Pytak's short film "With Love (2011)," "Angel 116 (2011)" is an action drama which follows the adventures of "Marci," a fugitive FBI agent who has ruined her life in pursuit of a low-rent mercenary known as "The .40 Caliber Mouse." Obsessed with her target, Marci is planning on taking over the business. Frustrated with her lack of progress, she starts acting like the hired killer, venturing to the underground to execute criminals in an effort to make the world a better place. In the process, she ends up bumping into "Corinn," the elusive mercenary she'd been searching for.
Subject ID: 98393
MoreA sequel to Stephen Pytak's short film "With Love (2011)," "Angel 116 (2011)" is an action drama which follows the adventures of "Marci," a fugitive FBI agent who has ruined her life in pursuit of a low-rent mercenary known as "The .40 Caliber Mouse." Obsessed with her target, Marci is planning on taking over the business. Frustrated with her lack of progress, she starts acting like the hired killer, venturing to the underground to execute criminals in an effort to make the world a better place. In the process, she ends up bumping into "Corinn," the elusive mercenary she'd been searching for.
Subject ID: 98393
Subject ID: 98393