Apita Piago World Flag Collection


Something Missing?

Apita stores started to sell exclusive Tomica variants back in 2003, most of them police cars. Their favourite model quickly became the Toyota 2000GT and every year since 2009 (except 2011) they would release a New Year edition of the 2000GT ornated with the Japanese flag. The succes of these cars in particular sparked the creation of the World Flags Collection. In 2013, after the New Year special and a Sakura edition to celebrate spring (that some consider as the prototypes of the World Flags Collection), a 2000GT wearing the USA flag was released and became an immediate hit. Since then, Apita provides a new Toyota 2000GT wrapped in the flag of a different country every two months or so.

Since 2020, the Nissan Fairlady has replaced the Toyota 2000GT as the car featured in the World Flags Collection.

Subject ID: 39249


Apita stores started to sell exclusive Tomica variants back in 2003, most of them police cars. Their favourite model quickly became the Toyota 2000GT and every year since 2009 (except 2011) they would release a New Year edition of the 2000GT ornated with the Japanese flag. The succes of these cars in particular sparked the creation of the World Flags Collection. In 2013, after the New Year special and a Sakura edition to celebrate spring (that some consider as the prototypes of the World Flags Collection), a 2000GT wearing the USA flag was released and became an immediate hit. Since then, Apita provides a new Toyota 2000GT wrapped in the flag of a different country every two months or so.

Since 2020, the Nissan Fairlady has replaced the Toyota 2000GT as the car featured in the World Flags Collection.

Subject ID: 39249


Subject ID: 39249