Aries Shion is a character from the anime/manga series Saint Seiya. In the classic series, Shion is the original Grand Pope of the Sanctuary, as well as one of the remaining survivors of the Holy War from the 1700's. He also served as the master of Aries Mu, who would eventually become the successor to the Gold Cloth of Aries slightly prior to his death. Later Shion is one of the resurrected Saints in Saint Seiya Hades Chapter.
Subject ID: 93389
MoreAries Shion is a character from the anime/manga series Saint Seiya. In the classic series, Shion is the original Grand Pope of the Sanctuary, as well as one of the remaining survivors of the Holy War from the 1700's. He also served as the master of Aries Mu, who would eventually become the successor to the Gold Cloth of Aries slightly prior to his death. Later Shion is one of the resurrected Saints in Saint Seiya Hades Chapter.
Subject ID: 93389
Subject ID: 93389