The company was started by E. Bernard, and was named SA des Bennes Basculantes E.Bernard. They started out making truck parts, but from 1923 onwards also complete trucks. They started with rather modern trucks for their days, well build, but their image gradually dissapeared and were seen as old-fashioned in the fifties. To counter this, Philippe Charbonneaux designed a very modern looking truck, which is the truck Majorette recreated in scale. In the same year as this truck was designed, 1963, it was taken over by Mack. They dropped Bernard in 1966.
Subject ID: 5864
MoreThe company was started by E. Bernard, and was named SA des Bennes Basculantes E.Bernard. They started out making truck parts, but from 1923 onwards also complete trucks. They started with rather modern trucks for their days, well build, but their image gradually dissapeared and were seen as old-fashioned in the fifties. To counter this, Philippe Charbonneaux designed a very modern looking truck, which is the truck Majorette recreated in scale. In the same year as this truck was designed, 1963, it was taken over by Mack. They dropped Bernard in 1966.
Subject ID: 5864
Subject ID: 5864