Churchill Truck Lines, Inc. is a Missouri Gen. Business - For-Profit filed on May 14, 1935. The company's filing status is listed as Term/Cancel and its File Number is 00058534.
Churchill Truck Lines was an LTL (Less Than Truckload) carrier based out of Chillicothe, Mo.. They closed & went out of business in April 1994 due to a strike.
Subject ID: 92987
Churchill Truck Lines, Inc. is a Missouri Gen. Business - For-Profit filed on May 14, 1935. The company's filing status is listed as Term/Cancel and its File Number is 00058534.
Churchill Truck Lines was an LTL (Less Than Truckload) carrier based out of Chillicothe, Mo.. They closed & went out of business in April 1994 due to a strike.
Subject ID: 92987
Subject ID: 92987