Clone Trooper Lieutenant

Star Wars | Character

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During the Clone Wars, clone trooper lieutenants were clone troopers specially trained as officers on Kamino, and recognized by the unique blue markings on their helmets and torso armor. They would, however, often wear armor that was specifically painted to match the environment.

Clone lieutenants commanded platoons comprising four squads, or thirty-six troops.  Numerous lieutenants participated in the First Battle of Geonosis, where they made their debut in battle, along with many of the other ranks of clones. Clone trooper lieutenants often reported to their respective clone trooper captains.

Subject ID: 116863


During the Clone Wars, clone trooper lieutenants were clone troopers specially trained as officers on Kamino, and recognized by the unique blue markings on their helmets and torso armor. They would, however, often wear armor that was specifically painted to match the environment.

Clone lieutenants commanded platoons comprising four squads, or thirty-six troops.  Numerous lieutenants participated in the First Battle of Geonosis, where they made their debut in battle, along with many of the other ranks of clones. Clone trooper lieutenants often reported to their respective clone trooper captains.

Subject ID: 116863


Subject ID: 116863