Conspiracy is a Magic: The Gathering set and format released on June 6, 2014, cryptically announced through a strange card at the Born of the Gods prerelease events at a game store in the Philippines. It was designed as the first ever multiplayer draft format and is released as boosters, each with 10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare or mythic rare, 1 "draft matters" card of any rarity, and 1 token or marketing card. The tagline for the set is "Pick. Plot. Play.". Many cards from past expansions show up in Conspiracy, but there are also 65 new cards. Excluding the 13 "Conspiracy"-type cards, which can be only used in Conspiracy or Cube drafts, all of the new cards are legal in the Vintage, Legacy, and Commander formats
Subject ID: 14352
MoreConspiracy is a Magic: The Gathering set and format released on June 6, 2014, cryptically announced through a strange card at the Born of the Gods prerelease events at a game store in the Philippines. It was designed as the first ever multiplayer draft format and is released as boosters, each with 10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare or mythic rare, 1 "draft matters" card of any rarity, and 1 token or marketing card. The tagline for the set is "Pick. Plot. Play.". Many cards from past expansions show up in Conspiracy, but there are also 65 new cards. Excluding the 13 "Conspiracy"-type cards, which can be only used in Conspiracy or Cube drafts, all of the new cards are legal in the Vintage, Legacy, and Commander formats
Subject ID: 14352
Subject ID: 14352