Dumbo is a 2019 American fantasy period adventure film directed by Tim Burton from a screenplay written by Ehren Kruger. It is a live-action adaptation and reimagining of Walt Disney’s 1941 animated film Dumbo, which is based on the novel by Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl. Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green and Alan Arkin star in a story about a family that works at a failing traveling circus encounter a baby elephant with extremely large ears who is capable of flying.
Subject ID: 90003
MoreDumbo is a 2019 American fantasy period adventure film directed by Tim Burton from a screenplay written by Ehren Kruger. It is a live-action adaptation and reimagining of Walt Disney’s 1941 animated film Dumbo, which is based on the novel by Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl. Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, Eva Green and Alan Arkin star in a story about a family that works at a failing traveling circus encounter a baby elephant with extremely large ears who is capable of flying.
Subject ID: 90003
Subject ID: 90003