E.R. Cruz

Artist, Illustrator | Artist

Something Missing?

Eufronio Reyes Cruz (born 1934) is a Filipino comics artist best known for his work on mystery comics and war comics for DC Comics in the 1970s and 1980s.

In the Philippines he contributed many illustrations and comics for Liwayway and drew stories for various publications like Holiday and Pioneer published by GASI.

Subject ID: 40410


Eufronio Reyes Cruz (born 1934) is a Filipino comics artist best known for his work on mystery comics and war comics for DC Comics in the 1970s and 1980s.

In the Philippines he contributed many illustrations and comics for Liwayway and drew stories for various publications like Holiday and Pioneer published by GASI.

In the United States, he adapted literary classics into comics for Now Age Books, such as 'Gulliver's Travels', 'The Prince and the Pauper' and 'Treasure Island'. He worked on DC's 'The Shadow', and contributed to the company's mystery titles, such as 'House of Mystery', 'Unexpected' and 'Our Army at War'. He also published in the Warren magazine Eerie. For Marvel, he worked on 'Moon Knight' and 'Savage Sword of Conan'. In the 1980s, he did model and background design for the popular 'Transformers' cartoon series, while also contributing to the collection Pocket Classics (a.o. 'The Iliad').

Subject ID: 40410


Subject ID: 40410