GPK American As Apple Pie - Artist Relic


Something Missing?

The above gallery displays samples of the various Artist Shirt Relic cards for the Apple Pie set. This page is intended to serve as an example of what an Artist Relic looks like to help collectors and their collections. There are a total of six artists who donated shirts for the cards, and they were limited to 99 of each artist. The cards were found in 1:61 Collector's Edition packs.

Subject ID: 91496


The above gallery displays samples of the various Artist Shirt Relic cards for the Apple Pie set. This page is intended to serve as an example of what an Artist Relic looks like to help collectors and their collections. There are a total of six artists who donated shirts for the cards, and they were limited to 99 of each artist. The cards were found in 1:61 Collector's Edition packs.

Subject ID: 91496


Subject ID: 91496