Global charity series released starting in 2016. These pins benefit the Hard Rock Heals Foundation, which funds organizations engaged in music philanthropy. Each pin is an eighth note featuring an iconic local image in front of a national flag.
This series is unusual in that the pins have no Hard Rock Cafe logo. Hard Rock Heals Foundation logo is at right center, on tail of musical note. Heals logo is a red guitar pick with a vertical white swirl at left center, like part of a treble clef, and a white bass clef at bottom right.
Subject ID: 89109
MoreGlobal charity series released starting in 2016. These pins benefit the Hard Rock Heals Foundation, which funds organizations engaged in music philanthropy. Each pin is an eighth note featuring an iconic local image in front of a national flag.
This series is unusual in that the pins have no Hard Rock Cafe logo. Hard Rock Heals Foundation logo is at right center, on tail of musical note. Heals logo is a red guitar pick with a vertical white swirl at left center, like part of a treble clef, and a white bass clef at bottom right.
Subject ID: 89109
Subject ID: 89109