Detective James "Sonny" Crockett is a fictional character in the NBC television series Miami Vice and the 2006 film adaptation. The character is portrayed by Don Johnson in the television series, and Colin Farrell in the film. He was introduced in the Miami Vice pilot in 1984 and appeared in every subsequent episode except the Season 5 episode "Borrasca". The character has also appeared in video games and various popular culture references.
Subject ID: 4758
MoreDetective James "Sonny" Crockett is a fictional character in the NBC television series Miami Vice and the 2006 film adaptation. The character is portrayed by Don Johnson in the television series, and Colin Farrell in the film. He was introduced in the Miami Vice pilot in 1984 and appeared in every subsequent episode except the Season 5 episode "Borrasca". The character has also appeared in video games and various popular culture references.
Subject ID: 4758
Subject ID: 4758