Lost Planet is a video game series of third-person shooters published by Capcom. The series follows a number of protagonists on E.D.N III, a planet in the process of an ice age, as they survive and fight the environment, various alien creatures and those planning to colonize the planet.
It consists of three main installments, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (2006), Lost Planet 2 (2010) and Lost Planet 3 (2013) and a spin-off titled E.X. Troopers (2012). While Capcom developed Lost Planet, Lost Planet 2 and E.X. Troopers internally, Spark Unlimited were hired as an external developer for Lost Planet 3.
Subject ID: 96684
MoreLost Planet is a video game series of third-person shooters published by Capcom. The series follows a number of protagonists on E.D.N III, a planet in the process of an ice age, as they survive and fight the environment, various alien creatures and those planning to colonize the planet.
It consists of three main installments, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (2006), Lost Planet 2 (2010) and Lost Planet 3 (2013) and a spin-off titled E.X. Troopers (2012). While Capcom developed Lost Planet, Lost Planet 2 and E.X. Troopers internally, Spark Unlimited were hired as an external developer for Lost Planet 3.
As of December 31, 2019, the game series has sold 6.2 million units worldwide.
Subject ID: 96684
Subject ID: 96684