M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) was a cartoon show that aired in the 1980s based on the toy line by Kenner. The series focused on the organization MASK fighting to save the world from Miles Mayhem and his evil organization VENOM (Vicious Evil Network of Mayhem). a key feature of the show was the superpowered helmets and transforming vehicles that both sides used.
Subject ID: 92898
MoreM.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) was a cartoon show that aired in the 1980s based on the toy line by Kenner. The series focused on the organization MASK fighting to save the world from Miles Mayhem and his evil organization VENOM (Vicious Evil Network of Mayhem). a key feature of the show was the superpowered helmets and transforming vehicles that both sides used.
Subject ID: 92898
Subject ID: 92898