Herbert McHoolihee, better known by his stage name Peter Vincent, is an actor who is known for horror films. Vincent now hosts a late-night creature feature called "Fright Night" on Channel 13, WYIC. However, he also secrectly moonlights as a real vampire killer, with his young friend Charley Brewster. He is played by Roddy McDowall in the original 1985 horror movie Fright Night.
Subject ID: 90531
MoreHerbert McHoolihee, better known by his stage name Peter Vincent, is an actor who is known for horror films. Vincent now hosts a late-night creature feature called "Fright Night" on Channel 13, WYIC. However, he also secrectly moonlights as a real vampire killer, with his young friend Charley Brewster. He is played by Roddy McDowall in the original 1985 horror movie Fright Night.
Subject ID: 90531
Subject ID: 90531