Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins, also released as Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous, is a 1985 action-adventure-thriller film directed by Guy Hamilton. The film featured Fred Ward, Joel Grey, Wilford Brimley, and Kate Mulgrew.
The character is based on The Destroyer pulp paperback series. The movie was the only adaptation featuring the character Remo Williams, and fared poorly in theaters. It received mixed reviews from critics, although it did earn Joel Grey a Golden Globe nomination. The film and a Remo Williams television pilot both credited Dick Clark as executive producer. The film was supposed to be the first of a series based on The Destroyer series of novels.
Subject ID: 39533
MoreRemo Williams: The Adventure Begins, also released as Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous, is a 1985 action-adventure-thriller film directed by Guy Hamilton. The film featured Fred Ward, Joel Grey, Wilford Brimley, and Kate Mulgrew.
The character is based on The Destroyer pulp paperback series. The movie was the only adaptation featuring the character Remo Williams, and fared poorly in theaters. It received mixed reviews from critics, although it did earn Joel Grey a Golden Globe nomination. The film and a Remo Williams television pilot both credited Dick Clark as executive producer. The film was supposed to be the first of a series based on The Destroyer series of novels.
Subject ID: 39533
Subject ID: 39533