
Police Force

Something Missing?

Former Dutch state police. The corps was founded November 8, 1945 and ceased to exist on April 1, 1994 due to a reorganisation of the Dutch police force. One of the most famous services of the Rijkspolitie was the Traffic police ("AVD" = Algemene Verkeersdienst") with their Porsches and Range Rovers.

Subject ID: 45525


Former Dutch state police. The corps was founded November 8, 1945 and ceased to exist on April 1, 1994 due to a reorganisation of the Dutch police force. One of the most famous services of the Rijkspolitie was the Traffic police ("AVD" = Algemene Verkeersdienst") with their Porsches and Range Rovers.

Subject ID: 45525


Subject ID: 45525