Rush Hour 3 is a 2007 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Brett Ratner, written by Jeff Nathanson. It is the third installment in the Rush Hour franchise and sequel to Rush Hour 2. Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Tzi Ma and Philip Baker Hall reprise their roles from the previous films with Hiroyuki Sanada, Youki Kudoh and Max von Sydow joining the cast. The story centers on Inspector Lee (Chan) and Officer Carter (Tucker) tracking an assassin (Sanada] to Paris to unravel a mystery about the Chinese triads. Announced on May 7, 2006, filming began on July 4 on location in Paris and Los Angeles.
Subject ID: 61743
MoreRush Hour 3 is a 2007 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Brett Ratner, written by Jeff Nathanson. It is the third installment in the Rush Hour franchise and sequel to Rush Hour 2. Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker, Tzi Ma and Philip Baker Hall reprise their roles from the previous films with Hiroyuki Sanada, Youki Kudoh and Max von Sydow joining the cast. The story centers on Inspector Lee (Chan) and Officer Carter (Tucker) tracking an assassin (Sanada] to Paris to unravel a mystery about the Chinese triads. Announced on May 7, 2006, filming began on July 4 on location in Paris and Los Angeles.
Subject ID: 61743
Subject ID: 61743