Sigmund Ooze (performed by Billy Barty, voiced by Walker Edmiston) is the titular character of the Sid & Marty Krofft production Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, an American children's television series that ran from September 8, 1973 to October 18, 1975. Sigmund is a a sea monster who was kicked out of his family for not being able to scare a human.
Subject ID: 94506
MoreSigmund Ooze (performed by Billy Barty, voiced by Walker Edmiston) is the titular character of the Sid & Marty Krofft production Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, an American children's television series that ran from September 8, 1973 to October 18, 1975. Sigmund is a a sea monster who was kicked out of his family for not being able to scare a human.
Subject ID: 94506
Subject ID: 94506