Space Channel 5 is a video game series owned by Sega, first released for the Sega Dreamcast. The series follows lead reporter Ulala as she battles the galaxy's biggest threats, including the Morolians and Rhythm Rogues. The first game of the franchise was conceived in the mid-1990s and was released in December 1999. It has become one of Sega's most memorable and iconic franchises, often being featured in other Sega-related video games in the form of cameos.
Subject ID: 132656
MoreSpace Channel 5 is a video game series owned by Sega, first released for the Sega Dreamcast. The series follows lead reporter Ulala as she battles the galaxy's biggest threats, including the Morolians and Rhythm Rogues. The first game of the franchise was conceived in the mid-1990s and was released in December 1999. It has become one of Sega's most memorable and iconic franchises, often being featured in other Sega-related video games in the form of cameos.
Subject ID: 132656
Subject ID: 132656