Space Jam: A New Legacy (also known as Space Jam 2: A New Legacy) is an upcoming American live-action/computer-animated sports comedy film directed by Malcolm D. Lee, from a screenplay by Juel Taylor, Tony Rettenmaier, Keenan Coogler, and Terence Nance. Serving as a sequel to Space Jam (1996), it will mark the first theatrically-released film to feature the Looney Tunes characters since Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003), and like the previous hybrid films, it will be a combination of live-action, traditional hand-drawn 2D animation, and 3D CGI effects. The film stars basketball player LeBron James (who also acts as a producer) as a fictionalized version of himself along with Don Cheadle, Khris Davis, Sonequa Martin-Green, and Cedric Joe in live-action roles. It also features numerous Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, and Foghorn Leghorn (all of whom are voiced by Jeff Bergman), as well as Daffy Duck and Marvin the Martian (both voiced by Eric Bauza), Lola Bunny (voiced by Zendaya), and others.
Subject ID: 119657
MoreSpace Jam: A New Legacy (also known as Space Jam 2: A New Legacy) is an upcoming American live-action/computer-animated sports comedy film directed by Malcolm D. Lee, from a screenplay by Juel Taylor, Tony Rettenmaier, Keenan Coogler, and Terence Nance. Serving as a sequel to Space Jam (1996), it will mark the first theatrically-released film to feature the Looney Tunes characters since Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003), and like the previous hybrid films, it will be a combination of live-action, traditional hand-drawn 2D animation, and 3D CGI effects. The film stars basketball player LeBron James (who also acts as a producer) as a fictionalized version of himself along with Don Cheadle, Khris Davis, Sonequa Martin-Green, and Cedric Joe in live-action roles. It also features numerous Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs Bunny, Sylvester, and Foghorn Leghorn (all of whom are voiced by Jeff Bergman), as well as Daffy Duck and Marvin the Martian (both voiced by Eric Bauza), Lola Bunny (voiced by Zendaya), and others.
Subject ID: 119657
Subject ID: 119657