The Living Set is a collection of the greatest Star Wars characters in the galaxy that lives on year after year. The Star Wars Living Set continues the Topps tradition of creating cross-generational products that can be collected and traded for years to come. As part of the Living Set program, Topps will only issue one card per character per film, live-action series or animated series. Two new characters will be offered every week and will be available for purchase for just one week. The Star Wars Living Set is inspired by the iconic 2017 Topps Star Wars Series 1 design. The blue starfield design still resonates as one of the most popular trading card designs in Topps’ history.
Subject ID: 160938
MoreThe Living Set is a collection of the greatest Star Wars characters in the galaxy that lives on year after year. The Star Wars Living Set continues the Topps tradition of creating cross-generational products that can be collected and traded for years to come. As part of the Living Set program, Topps will only issue one card per character per film, live-action series or animated series. Two new characters will be offered every week and will be available for purchase for just one week. The Star Wars Living Set is inspired by the iconic 2017 Topps Star Wars Series 1 design. The blue starfield design still resonates as one of the most popular trading card designs in Topps’ history.
Subject ID: 160938
Subject ID: 160938