Supercar was a children's television program that produced 39 episodes between two seasons in 1961 and 1962. The show used supermarionation to follow the sci-fi adventures of five members of the Supercar team, including Michael "Mike" Mercury, Professor Rudolph Popkiss, Dr. Horatio Beaker, James "Jimmy" Gibson and Mitch the Monkey.
Subject ID: 58941
MoreSupercar was a children's television program that produced 39 episodes between two seasons in 1961 and 1962. The show used supermarionation to follow the sci-fi adventures of five members of the Supercar team, including Michael "Mike" Mercury, Professor Rudolph Popkiss, Dr. Horatio Beaker, James "Jimmy" Gibson and Mitch the Monkey.
Subject ID: 58941
Subject ID: 58941