Teen Titans was originally created by writer Bob Haney and artist Nick Cardy in 1965. The original run was from 1965-1973 and then was revived from 1976-1978. In 1980 Marv Wolfman and George Pérez created The New Teen Titans, which ran monthly until 1996. Smaller Titans series ran from 1996-1998 and 1999-2002. The most recent major reboot of Titans was by Devin Grayson and Mark Buckingham from 2003-2011, which launched on the heels of the Cartoon Network Teen Titans series. There have also been Titans comics in DC's The New 52 relaunch of its an entire line of comic books.
Subject ID: 29435
MoreTeen Titans was originally created by writer Bob Haney and artist Nick Cardy in 1965. The original run was from 1965-1973 and then was revived from 1976-1978. In 1980 Marv Wolfman and George Pérez created The New Teen Titans, which ran monthly until 1996. Smaller Titans series ran from 1996-1998 and 1999-2002. The most recent major reboot of Titans was by Devin Grayson and Mark Buckingham from 2003-2011, which launched on the heels of the Cartoon Network Teen Titans series. There have also been Titans comics in DC's The New 52 relaunch of its an entire line of comic books.
Subject ID: 29435
Subject ID: 29435