The Dragonzord is the mighty giant robot used by the Green Ranger in the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Series. After Tommy Oliver (The Green Ranger) was given the evil Green Ranger by Rita Repulsa, he gained access to summon the dormant Zord in the bay outside Angel Grove. This summon was made possible by the Dragon Flute, the weapon of the Green Ranger. There have been many times when The Dragonzord was used against the Power Rangers, given the inherant evil nature of the Green Power Ranger.
Subject ID: 20712
MoreThe Dragonzord is the mighty giant robot used by the Green Ranger in the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Series. After Tommy Oliver (The Green Ranger) was given the evil Green Ranger by Rita Repulsa, he gained access to summon the dormant Zord in the bay outside Angel Grove. This summon was made possible by the Dragon Flute, the weapon of the Green Ranger. There have been many times when The Dragonzord was used against the Power Rangers, given the inherant evil nature of the Green Power Ranger.
Subject ID: 20712
Subject ID: 20712