The Herculoids

TV (1967-1969) | TV Show

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The Herculoids is a Saturday-morning animated-cartoon television series, created and designed by Alex Toth, that was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The show debuted in September 1967 on CBS. Hanna-Barbera produced one season for the original airing of the show, although the original 18 episodes were rerun during the 1968–69 television season, with The Herculoids ending its run on September 6, 1969. Eleven new episodes were produced in 1981 as part of the Space Stars show. The plotlines are rooted in science fiction and have story direction and content similar to Jonny Quest and Space Ghost. There are eight regular characters who make up the Herculoids.

Subject ID: 41855


The Herculoids is a Saturday-morning animated-cartoon television series, created and designed by Alex Toth, that was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The show debuted in September 1967 on CBS. Hanna-Barbera produced one season for the original airing of the show, although the original 18 episodes were rerun during the 1968–69 television season, with The Herculoids ending its run on September 6, 1969. Eleven new episodes were produced in 1981 as part of the Space Stars show. The plotlines are rooted in science fiction and have story direction and content similar to Jonny Quest and Space Ghost. There are eight regular characters who make up the Herculoids.

Subject ID: 41855


Subject ID: 41855