ThunderCats is a media franchise, featuring a fictional group of catlike humanoid aliens. The characters were created by Tobin "Ted" Wolf and originally featured in an animated television series named ThunderCats, running from 1985 to 1989, which was produced by Rankin-Bass Animated Entertainment.
There were comic books and at least 2 different TV shows with talk of a third. The 'original' show was in 1985, with a 'new' show coming out in 2011. The 2011 show was produced by Warner Bros. for Cartoon Network.
Subject ID: 64410
MoreThunderCats is a media franchise, featuring a fictional group of catlike humanoid aliens. The characters were created by Tobin "Ted" Wolf and originally featured in an animated television series named ThunderCats, running from 1985 to 1989, which was produced by Rankin-Bass Animated Entertainment.
There were comic books and at least 2 different TV shows with talk of a third. The 'original' show was in 1985, with a 'new' show coming out in 2011. The 2011 show was produced by Warner Bros. for Cartoon Network.
Subject ID: 64410
Subject ID: 64410