Will and Grace is a sitcom that originally aired on NBC from 1998-2006. It was later revived and give more seasons from 2017-2020. It centers around Will, a gay lawyer, and his best friend Grace, a straight interior designer. Other important characters were Karen Walker, Grace's assistant, and Jack McFarland, an actor. The show followed the main four characters as they had misadventures around relationships in New York City.
Subject ID: 101260
MoreWill and Grace is a sitcom that originally aired on NBC from 1998-2006. It was later revived and give more seasons from 2017-2020. It centers around Will, a gay lawyer, and his best friend Grace, a straight interior designer. Other important characters were Karen Walker, Grace's assistant, and Jack McFarland, an actor. The show followed the main four characters as they had misadventures around relationships in New York City.
Subject ID: 101260
Subject ID: 101260