Chōji Akimichi (秋道チョウジ, Akimichi Chōji) is a supporting character in the Naruto anime/manga series and the Boruto series. He is one of Naruto's closest friends since childhood and is the best friend of Shikamaru. He is a chūnin-level shinobi of Konohagakure's Akimichi clan and a member of Team Asuma.
Subject ID: 171903
MoreChōji Akimichi (秋道チョウジ, Akimichi Chōji) is a supporting character in the Naruto anime/manga series and the Boruto series. He is one of Naruto's closest friends since childhood and is the best friend of Shikamaru. He is a chūnin-level shinobi of Konohagakure's Akimichi clan and a member of Team Asuma.
Subject ID: 171903
Subject ID: 171903