What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? is a is a 1962 American psychological horror thriller film. The film centers on Jane Hudson (Bette Davis), an aging child star who is left to care for her wheelchair-bound sister Blanche (Joan Crawford), also a former child actress. It was nominated for five Academy Awards and won one for Best Costume Design, Black-and-White, with Davis receiving her tenth and final nomination for Best Actress.
Subject ID: 161031
MoreWhat Ever Happened to Baby Jane? is a is a 1962 American psychological horror thriller film. The film centers on Jane Hudson (Bette Davis), an aging child star who is left to care for her wheelchair-bound sister Blanche (Joan Crawford), also a former child actress. It was nominated for five Academy Awards and won one for Best Costume Design, Black-and-White, with Davis receiving her tenth and final nomination for Best Actress.
Subject ID: 161031
Subject ID: 161031