Si Cwan

Star Trek | Character

Something Missing?

Si Cwan was once a ruler of the Thallonian Empire, until that Empire fell. His commitment to justice was surpassed only by his sense of his own importance. Si Cwan had a commanding presence, and was renowned in physical combat. He served for a time as an ambassador on the Excalibur before the creation of the New Thallonian Empire, which he ruled with his Nelkarite rival, Fhermus. He eventually married Robin Lefler, who served as Starfleet ambassador to his empire. Si Cwan met his death at the hands of Fhermus.

Subject ID: 17513


Si Cwan was once a ruler of the Thallonian Empire, until that Empire fell. His commitment to justice was surpassed only by his sense of his own importance. Si Cwan had a commanding presence, and was renowned in physical combat. He served for a time as an ambassador on the Excalibur before the creation of the New Thallonian Empire, which he ruled with his Nelkarite rival, Fhermus. He eventually married Robin Lefler, who served as Starfleet ambassador to his empire. Si Cwan met his death at the hands of Fhermus.

Subject ID: 17513


Subject ID: 17513