Spa 24 hours 1993


Something Missing?

The Spa 24 hours 1993 began on July 31st, and ended the following day.  Fifty-one contestants were accepted, and thirty-five of those finished the race.

Porsche won the event, with Christian Fittipaldi, Jean-Pierre Jarier and Uwe Alzen remaining nearly unchallenged.

Subject ID: 62767


The Spa 24 hours 1993 began on July 31st, and ended the following day.  Fifty-one contestants were accepted, and thirty-five of those finished the race.

Porsche won the event, with Christian Fittipaldi, Jean-Pierre Jarier and Uwe Alzen remaining nearly unchallenged.

The race was paused after 15 hours following the death of King Boudouin.

Subject ID: 62767


Subject ID: 62767