Model Pack Rat
Model Cars

'65 Mustang

Alternative Name: 1965 Mustang
Subvariant title: 2008 HWC Real Riders
22 Variants
All hail the mighty Mustang! With that distinctive silhouette, all-American youthful appeal, and speed to spare, it's earned the right to call itself a classic. paid homage to this icon with the HWC Series Seven Real Riders '65 Mustang.
When the Mustang galloped onto the automotive scene in 1965, it captured the hearts (and wallets) of more than a million customers! Lee Iacocca himself was responsible for the original 1:1 version, and Mattel first showed it some 1:64 love when it debuted as a Hot Wheels convertible in 1984. A full 22 years later, this hardtop version was issued, first making appearances in 2006 in both the Hot Wheels Classics Series 2 and in the Ultra Hots line. Here it's back in bad-to-the-bone Spectraflame true black, double bar stripes running the full length of the vehicle, and Real Riders five-spoke wheels with Firestone tampo.
Member Rating
3.75 of 5 (2 Ratings)

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